Saturday, January 4, 2020

11 Recruiting Events to Be Inspired by in 2019

11 Recruiting Events to Be Inspired by in 2019 Whether youre new to talent acquisition or a seasoned professional, attending the right conferences and events is key to your professional success.At least a hundred HR and recruiting conferences exist, givingevery recruiter and HR pro the opportunity to learn all there is to know about any given facet of talent management and acquisition.Not sure which conferences and events are worth your time this year? Here are 11you might want to check out1.Recruiting Trends Talent Tech (Feb. 20-22 in Las Vegas)The Recruiting Trends Talent Tech event has been known to create thought-provoking, challengingdialogues among attendees, and this year is likely to be no different.2.The TAtech Leadership Summit on AI and Machine Learning in Talent Acquisition(March 5-6 in Tempe, AZ)Artificial intelligence and machine learning are changing the way we recruit and manage candidates and this TAtech Leadership Summit is the on ly conference dedicated entirely to these technologies.3. HR West 2019 (March 11-13 in Oakland, CA)HR West is where professionals go to find out about the next big things in recruiting and HR. As one of the longest-running HR conferences at 35 years old, HR West is a trusted, established anthroponym in the recruiting event space.4.SourceCon(March 19-21 in Seattle)If youre looking to learn from the most dedicated and passionate industry leaders, this is the conference to attend. SourceCon is one of the only conferences where you get to interact personally with thetop movers and shakers in the sourcing world.5.HR Undefined 2019 Explore + Innovate (April 10-11 in Edmonton, AB)Held by CPHR Alberta, this years HR Undefined is focused on surprising new innovations, challenges, and opportunities in the HR field.6.The TAtech Leadership Summit on Recruitment Marketing(April 17-18 in Chicago)For technology, best practices, and innovations in candidate engagement, look no further than this TAt ech Leadership Summit.7.ERE Recruiting Conference (April 22-24 inSan Diego)The one that started it all. The ERE Recruiting Conference is your go-to conference if youre looking to sharpen your all-around skills as a recruiting professional.8.RecruitCon (May 8-10 in Austin, TX)The value in attendingRecruitCon comes fromsitting in on sessions and workshops dedicated to forward-thinking topics such as automation, veteran recruiting, and diversity and inclusion.9.Indeed Interactive (May 13-15 in Austin, TX)Indeed Interactivebrings captivating content through keynote speakers and thought-provoking panel discussions. Think of this conference as a playground where the skys the limit. While much of the content is aimed at senior professionals, a wide variety of HR pros from all levelsand specialties will be in attendance.10.The Gulf Coast Symposium on HR Issues(May 15-17 in Houston, TX)As the largest regional conference for HR professionals on the Gulf Coast, the Gulf Coast Symposium on HR I ssues offers more than 175 sessions on business management, labor relations, international HR, and more.11.NACE Conference and Expo(June 3-6 in Lake Buena Vista, FL)The only conferencespecifically for university recruiters, the annual conference from the National Association of Colleges and Employers is a must-attend for any HR pros and recruiters who regularly work with college students and recent grads.This is only a partial list of all the recruiting and HR events coming up in 2019, and a quick Google search will reveal even moreBut dont get too bogged down in choosing between them all theres always 2020 to catch the events you couldnt catch this yearA version of this article originally appeared on the Oleeo blog.Jeanette Maister is managing director of the Americas for Oleeo.

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